Die Welt des Seilkletterns
Outdoorwand - Kletter-Sektor
Abwechslungsreiche und knackige Frischluft-Kletterei.
| Route | UIAA / Franz | Linie | Erstellt am | Routensetzer | Sektor |
| Der Blutelch! | VI+/VII- / 6a | 205 | 22.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| How's not going to the post office? | VI+ / 5c+ | 206 | 22.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Tonys Känguru Zoonose | VI / 5c | 201 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| Tscheffe rocks! | VII- / 6a+ | 202 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| Haube ohne Pommel | VIII/VIII+ / 7a/+ | 209 | 21.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Pommelhaube | VII / 6b | 209 | 21.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Kaltfront-Kraxler | VI- / 5b/+ | 208 | 21.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Akademikerfinger | V+/VI- / 5b | 202 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| Tugend und Laster | VII+/VIII- / 6c | 204 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| Karl - ein herrliches Stück Schöpfung! | IX- / 7b+ | 203 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| Bommelquartett | VII+ / 6b+ | 201 | 21.10.2024 | Elch | Outdoorwand |
| eh a eh | VII+/VIII- / 6c | 207 | 18.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Traum in Gescheckt | IV+/V- / 5 | 204 | 18.10.2024 | Matthias Haller | Outdoorwand |
| der Reiz ist Geil | VIII / 7a | 205 | 18.10.2024 | Matthias Haller | Outdoorwand |
| queer queens | VII / 6b | 203 | 18.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| Opaweg | IV+/V- / 5 | 208 | 17.10.2024 | Markus H. | Outdoorwand |
| Hartes Lila | IX- / 7b+ | 212 | 17.10.2024 | Daniel K. | Outdoorwand |
| Gustostückerl | VI+ / 5c+ | 210 | 17.10.2024 | Milad | Outdoorwand |
| Gustostück | VIII- / 6c+ | 210 | 17.10.2024 | Milad | Outdoorwand |
| Raupe Nimmersatt | VI / 5c | 212 | 17.10.2024 | Daniel K. | Outdoorwand |
| Grien (fohr ienglisch-sbieker) | VII / 6b | 211 | 17.10.2024 | Daniel K. | Outdoorwand |
| Vänsterback | VII- / 6a+ | 206 | 17.10.2024 | Markus H. | Outdoorwand |
| Green Goblin | VII+ / 6b+ | 207 | 17.10.2024 | Markus H. | Outdoorwand |
| Nvm hab's gefixt... | VIII / 7a | 213 | 15.10.2024 | KHW Team | Outdoorwand |
| die blaue Sophie | IV+/V- / 5 | 213 | 15.10.2024 | Ines | Outdoorwand |